Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Holy Week

It’s Holy Week, when we celebrate the central event of our faith – the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Week starts with the Triumphal Entry, the palm branches being spread as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the King of the Jews , the Messiah, enters Jerusalem. We walk through the week, coming to Maundy Thursday and then Good Friday.

What’s good about Good Friday? It’s the day that Jesus, a sinless man, was crucified without a fair trial because there was no evidence against Him. What’s good about the death day of an innocent person who saved many, who gave sight to the blind, who gave mobility to those who could not walk, who called people to Himself and raised people from the dead? What’s good about it is that without it we can’t have salvation.

And then Easter Sunday comes, when He is risen, when the tomb is empty, and the central event of our faith has become the central truth of our faith. Jesus conquered death, and He revealed without any doubt He is the Lord, and He is our King!

We can learn a lot from high-church liturgy. The theology of the Holy Week is told year after year after year through the Book of Common Worship and the Book of Common Prayer. This liturgy helps us understand the pain of this week.

I can’t wait for Sunday morning when we can celebrate as Christ-followers. He is risen!

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